Chief Procurement Office | Bill Grunloh | Department of Transportation
Chief Procurement Office
Bill Grunloh
Department of Transportation
"Public sentiment is everything.
With public sentiment,
nothing can fail; without it
nothing can succeed."

– August 21, 1858
Welcome to the Chief Procurement Office
The Chief Procurement Office is responsible for overseeing procurements for all construction, construction-related services, operation of any facility, and the provision of any construction, construction support, or construction-related service or activity committed by law to the jurisdiction or responsibility of the Illinois Department of Transportation, including the direct or reimbursable expenditure of all federal funds for which the Department of Transportation is responsible or accountable for the use thereof in accordance with federal law, regulation, or procedure the independent chief procurement officer appointed by the Secretary of Transportation with the consent of the majority of the members of the Executive Ethics Commission. [30 ILCS 500 Section 1-15.15]